
The list of districts, the number of people who are currently praying and their percentage within each district.

1. augustowski
1 0.0016 ‰
7. kolneński
0 0 %
13. Suwałki
0 0 %
2. białostocki
0 0 %
8. moniecki
0 0 %
14. wysokomazowiecki
0 0 %
3. Białystok
2 0.0007 ‰
9. sejneński
0 0 %
15. zambrowski
0 0 %
4. bielski
0 0 %
10. siemiatycki
1 0.0019 ‰
16. Łomża
0 0 %
5. grajewski
0 0 %
11. sokólski
0 0 %
17. łomżyński
0 0 %
6. hajnowski
0 0 %
12. suwalski
0 0 %

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